Figurative image and imprisonment: two complementary elements for understanding prisonization in the 21st century
This theoretical article is based on notes and field work that the author developed in the EPS La Gonzalina penitentiary facilities (Rancagua, Chile) and Cárcel La Blanca (Manizales, Colombia), as well as on interviews conducted with former Chilean inmates in the context of the annual research plans of the PIAD Crime Research and Analysis Program of the Universidad La República (Chile) between the years 2016 and 2023. The text analyzes the concepts of figurative image and imprisonment as transcendent elements of prisonization in the postmodern era. Both terms put on the table the need to abandon the structuralist vision of the phenomenon, revealing the subject as the new center and architect of confinement. In this sense, both concepts advocate a prisonization as a result of the individual’s own life trajectory and what he or she was already being before entering prison, thereby calling into question the proposed mutilation of the self. by Erving Goffman as a universal comprehensive scheme.
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